Tuesday, April 24, 2007


Families everywhere are calling for change - like the rustling of leaves, a variety of voices in various ways all calling for a return of brighter, more meaningful days. As more and more of us find ourselves living within an urban forest, a modern-day metropolis arisen from among the trees, a collective sigh can be heard as we emerge from the treetops, unfulfilled, a sigh echoed by the trees. Although presented a cornucopia of opportunities, urban dwelling families find themselves restlessly searching for that always illusive more, searching for fulfillment. Matthew has a plan, a way to by looking back at time memorialized, ‘the beauty beneath’, see a brilliant future written in the heart of each and every, family tree, and in turn the brighter days clearly ahead. His plan? “Nature! With A Future.

Since time immemorial, close bonds have existed between families and trees. And having grown from the same soil, the parallels which have been long observed and duly noted are voluminous. Trees, just like us, have a natural life-cycle which eventually includes death; they grow up, grow old, and just like us for a variety of reasons die. Most notable, and of relevance here, is the emptiness that each shares with the other, when unfulfilled. Equally true of both, we and trees, this shared void, the unsatisfied desire for fulfillment - that characteristic, self-evident hollowing that each and every one of us experiences, grows. The all-consuming desire for fulfillment - it clearly appears - is ingrained in both.

Today, privately owned, family trees, regardless of weddings, birthdays and unnumbered sunny-days celebrated in the shade of their noble boughs, are left to hollow. Unfulfilled, they empty themselves of the irreplaceable memories that are recorded within their hearts, until in the end, having been felled, they are burned, leaving their families with nothing more than dust as a reminder of the unfulfilled promise of days never ending. And sadly, this tragedy is commonly sanctioned by urban forestry departments everywhere. Matthew, desiring more, has envisioned something better, a fully-encompassing, “matchless” plan - an urban forest management plan whereby each family and their favored, family tree will find joint fulfillment.

Advocating family, Matthew proposes a change to “Private Tree” By-laws everywhere, by the addition of “Family Tree” provisions which will allow families to preserve only the most special of trees, those rooted in love, from certain ruin. Through the preservation of the unique family history that is contained in the heart of each family’s tree, the fallen, family friend, fulfilled, becomes a reincarnate treasure, preferably ‘furniture with heart’ (though we are wholly biased), to be shared with the generations to come. Encouraging thoughtful management of urban forests nationwide - promoting the judicious harvesting of mature, family trees, prior to degradation - Matthew’s plan calls for awareness of both the communal beauty and heirloom value of urban tree canopies. Healthy, sustainable, urban forests attained through “Family Tree” harvesting and replanting programs, effectively thereby growing a deep-rooted sense of community, beginning with our very own, truly fair "City of Trees".

Saturday, April 7, 2007


We just happened to have found ourselves in the heart of the oldest district in our "City of Trees" -- one of the many epithets assigned to the beautiful city of Toronto -- at its most exciting moment, renewal. As luck would have it, our arrival dovetailed perfectly with the revitalization project that was recently adopted by our neighborhood, namely Corktown - old town Toronto - our new home. We want to officially extend a heartfelt "WELCOME" to one and all, and to say that we could not be happier to finally be home.

Friday, April 6, 2007

THE BEGINNING: 'Our Secret' Is In Your Tree

In the past, a tree possessing a unique rendering of its family's history would eventually meet a fruitless end as firewood. We take a tree with a past and give it a future, as furniture - 'the final fruit of the family tree'.

We believe that there is no greater way to assure ourselves of success as a furniture manufacturer than to infuse into handmade, heirloom-quality furniture the added value of "sentiment" [i.e., we make "your" furniture from "your" tree]. We take the one living record of your family's shared life, the family tree, and reveal the beauty beneath as we transform it into a number of beautiful, handcrafted pieces, together forming your family's collection - homegrown, thoughtfully processed, handmade furniture. That is why we say that your family's story is our secret ingredient, and how we plan to make our good furniture perfect. "Hand-Crafted, Heart-Felt."

Thursday, April 5, 2007


What would we have done if we had known that it would be three years, including 8 months of renovation, before we could start making furniture? If only we had known...we, both, would have asked the very same question:
"When can we begin?".